Below are steps outlining the easiest way to create a sitemap for a website using Statamic as a CMS. This works in Statamic versions 3 and 4.
Step 1
Create a new file in your /resources/views folder called "sitemap.antlers.html" and add the following code to the file. This code can loop over page collections or navigation objects to create your XML.
<urlset xmlns="">
{{ collection:pages }}
<loc>{{ permalink }}</loc>
<lastmod>{{ last_modified format="Y-m-d" }}</lastmod>
<priority>{{ if url == homepage }}0.8{{ else }}0.5{{ /if }}</priority>
{{ /collection:pages }}
Step 2
Add a route pointing to your XML content in you /routes/web.php file. This won't be a traditional Laravel Route, but will, instead, use a Route::statamic() method.
Route::statamic('sitemap.xml', 'sitemap', ['layout' => 'sitemap', 'content_type' => 'xml']);
That's It!
You can now see your XML sitemap at /sitemap.xml.